Monthly Archives: November 2023

Cancer Diagnosis

One week ago turned into one of the worst days of my life. I got a call from the doctor’s office that my biopsy results were ready, and they weren’t good. “There is evidence of cancer”.

Breast Cancer.

I answered my phone, sitting in my office at work. It was the day before Thanksgiving. The nurse’s voice entered my ear canal, but each word just made me freeze more. I could barely speak. I was stunned. She said she’d call me back soon because she had to call my doctor and have an order put in for me to be scheduled with a surgeon.

I hung up the phone and just sat there. I couldn’t function. I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t move. Everyone else in the office was either gone for the long weekend or intently working. No one knew. No one knew a thing except for me. I finished up whatever meaningless task I was working on and left for Thanksgiving break. I was crying a little, but more so trying to make sense of what I just heard. I drove away and called my mom. She sounded devastated and thoroughly surprised. As far as she knows, this doesn’t run in our family.

My head was swirling with how I was going to tell my family. All I could think was I was ruining Thanksgiving. How was I going to tell my daughter and my son? How in the hell is this happening? What is happening? It’s been one week and I’m still trying to wrap my head around this new reality that hasn’t hit me yet. I find myself doing very basic things, like pumping gas, and then I remember I have a cancer diagnosis. And I can’t help but wonder how hard this is going to be on me physically and mentally.

I’d like to say I don’t remember the rest of last Wednesday, but I remember it all quite clearly in slow motion. After my mom, I called my ex-husband so he would know when I told my kids. His reaction was stupid. Next, I called my dad and asked if he was home so I could stop over. I didn’t want to drop this news on Thanksgiving, so why not the day before? Ugh.

My dad just knew before I could get all the words out and hugged me. My stepmom came home, and I had to tell her. She was a mess. They held it together while I sat there, but I’m sure they lost their minds once I left. I went home and told my kids my results weren’t good. My daughter was a mess. My son doesn’t completely understand because he’s younger. Lastly, I called my sister and then my brother. I just didn’t want to save this for the Thanksgiving dinner table.

It was horrible telling this news to all of these people I love.

The wonderful nurse called me back when I got home. She scheduled me for an appointment with a surgeon the next week. That appointment has already been moved to another surgeon because my cousin, who is a doctor, insisted I see a different surgeon. Over the past week I’ve had an outpouring of love and support from many people. I dreaded coming into work on Monday because I had to tell my bosses and immediate co-workers. I didn’t have to tell them, but it’s only a matter of time before they need to know anyhow. I’m going to need them. I’m going to need all of them.

So now I wait until I see a surgeon next Tuesday to find out more and “start the process”. I know very little, but I know enough to speculate what is coming. My mind is a fog. I’m doing really dumb things, like I walked into a health food store earlier this week to get a couple things, but once I was in the store, I couldn’t remember what I needed. Luckily, I had it on a list.

I was in a health food store because that’s somewhere I go regularly these days. Over the past three years I’ve dramatically improved my lifestyle. I work out regularly, I avoid processed foods and sugar, I don’t drink much alcohol, I get decent sleep. I do all the things you’re supposed to do. I avoid toxic people, I attend church and try to raise my kids to be good humans, and I try my best at all that I do.

And I end up with a cancerous boob that I have no control over. I was very angry. I don’t have time for this. No one has time for this. I’m angry that my kids are going to have to witness the aftermath of this diagnosis when their mom needs to be there for them the most. By the end of the long weekend, I was less angry and more sad. I did get a lot done this weekend that involved physical labor – putting up Christmas decorations, cleaning up leaves in the yard, cleaning out the basement, etc. I couldn’t sit still, my mind wouldn’t let me.

I want to be mad at God, but I’m just not. I’ve been around the block enough times to know He has some greater plan. It will end in blessings. It always does, but I have to hang in there for the ride.

Stifle Me Not

Sandwich News

The last two months of work has been busy and tiring. I’ve been in a continuous cycle of nonstop emails, phone calls, reporting, and just overall reacting to other people’s needs, wants, and issues. I’m in human resources, what do I expect? I don’t expect much, I get it, and I’m usually happy to do it, but burn out is real. I’m thankful the past couple weeks eased up and I felt like I could breathe again. A walk to the copier and back has stopped with me coming back to another 10 more emails to sift through.

Last Wednesday, I finally had time to go for a second mammogram. I’m the queen of second mammograms. For the past 5 years, each year, the radiologist wants retakes. And then I get the phone call and letter to follow up in another year. Until this year. This year I could tell something was wrong. I’ve also been in some pain, aside from typical tenderness. After being in the hospital breast center for an hour and a half, I was sent away without results. This isn’t typical. They usually give results in person after a follow up appointment. But today was extra busy in the breast center, so they called me a few hours later to cheerfully give me sandwich news.

What is sandwich news? When you tell someone something good, then bad, then good again… just to make it less of a shock to the system. I knew what she was doing at the first sound of her voice. Such a welcoming cheery voice. I know that voice because I do it too. I’m in HR.

The nurse informed me that the one area they imaged looked good! Followed by her cheery concern that the other area should be inspected further with a biopsy. This is when things get hazy and hearing the word biopsy gives way to future visions of a funeral and life insurance disbursements. The nurse tried to cheerily close out the call by telling me that I’ll be fine and this and that is a precaution, yada yada yada. I don’t really know what she said because it was a blur of words in an ultra-cheery tone. I scheduled it for the first available upcoming Monday to get it over with.

Monday was yesterday. I worked in the morning and went to the hospital breast center in the early afternoon. I was going through the motions. My mom insisted on meeting me there. I was so thankful for her presence. She talks a lot, which is usually annoying, but she kept my mind off the bad thoughts as she sat by my side in the waiting room. They called me back fairly quickly and I didn’t want to leave my mom’s side.

I was led back to the dressing room where I got a gown and waited. They called me back. Two nurses. So kind, so friendly, trying to be reassuring. Then two doctors came in. I had two nurses and two doctors hovering over me for an ultrasound-guided biopsy for about 40 minutes. It seemed longer than that. Once I was numbed up and realized it didn’t hurt, I calmed down a little. But my nerves were shot up until that point. I was relieved when they were all done.

But as I’m sitting up, still in relief mode, I’m very directly told that before I leave they need to get one more mammogram. Come again? I need to be squished right after getting my boob dug out? Whaaaaaaat????

And so it happened. Thank you God Almighty that my local anesthetic was in effect for the next two hours. Luckily, I didn’t feel a thing, but my brain was on overload that this was even happening after all that already happened.

When I was given the clear to leave, I couldn’t get my sweater and coat on fast enough. I shuffled back to the waiting room where my mom was happily making friends with another lady. She was calmly sitting there, and I wanted to run out into the parking lot. I just wanted out of that place!

My mom walked me to my car, and then I drove her to her car a few blocks over. I was so happy she was there. After she left, I drove myself home. I noticed my eyes were bloodshot. Probably from all the stress. I got home to my daughter hovering by the door. She was worried about me. I changed my clothes and laid on my bed.

Results are supposed to be available in 3 to 5 business days. This is Thanksgiving week. I’m not confident that I’ll hear any news this week. I’m exhausted. And I need lots of prayers because I need to take care of my two awesome kids.

Stifle Me Not